Get familiar with characteristics of turtle relatives that are living in the parks so you can easily identify them!
Photo: Mai Ly
Snapping Turtle
Upper shell (carapace) color is tan or olive to black
Carapace length is up to 50 cm (19.5 in)
Weight over 15 kg (33 lb)
Long tail with triangular spikes along the top
Largest freshwater turtle in Canada
Lifespan estimated between 30 to 40 years in the wild, perhaps even longer.
For more information, read Snapping turtles (Ontario nature).
Photo: James Beaton
Midland Painted Turtle
Olive to black carapace with red or dark orange markings on the margin
Red and yellow stripes on the head and neck
Carapace length between 12 to 14 cm, measured up to 19.5 cm
yellow or dark tan plastron (lower shell) with a darker, irregular “butterfly” marking along the midline
Often bask on shorelines, logs, or rocks above the water
For more information, read Midland painted turtles (Ontario nature).
Photo: Tatiana Bitir
Red-eared Slider Turtle
Brown to black carapace
Yellow stripes on its limbs and head
Distinctive red or orange band around the eyes
Maximum size of 25 to 33 cm
Can live more than 30 years in captivity
Most common non-native species of turtle in Ontario
Native to the south-central U.S
Red-eared Sliders are often released into the park’s ponds from home aquariums.
We advise not having Turtles as companions as they have a long lifespan and should live their life in their native region.
Before you adopting one,
read Don’t sent them free (Ontario nature blog).
If you are in need to rehome Turtles, please contact Little Res Q.